I have two good stories about Scott– the first was always a dream of his that he shared with me— Scott wanted to be the head of a group to raise money for a theatre to be built at Margaretta High School. He confided in me that when he got famous he would come back to the school and be the head of the group to build it. He said too– that because he would be famous– he would donate money and provided the energy needed to get the project done…… Ahhhh what a great dream for Margaretta…
The second classic memory was— that in my Spanish class all students had to make a video in Spanish towards the end of the year–in it– he invented a group’s name but had all the originals from the CocoBeanos playing and speaking Spanish in it … it was a super job– truly one for a hall of famer– 🙂 The best always for all who knew Scott– er as I called him Escoces 🙂 Senor Paul Schoenegge 🙂